Thursday, June 18, 2015

Back to the Beginning

Highlight of the day: I got an ultrasound on my arm to see how the muscles, tendons, and ligaments moved. It was so cool being able to watch how everything was working underneath my skin!

     Today I was reminded of what first made me love medicine. Seeing the athletes come in with painful injuries and watching the doctors help the athletes to keep going through their pain was one of the greatest things I've seen so far. I didn't give medicine much of a thought until I had suffered multiple injuries from dancing when I was younger. I am still grateful the teams of doctors and nurses who worked to get me back in tip-top shape. Now there is something about working with athletes that always gets me really excited!

     The first appointment today was for a girl who had been accepted to UDLAP on a sports scholarship for track. For her admission to be complete, she needed to be evaluated to determine her health condition. The evaluation included a strength test, flexibility test, knee laxity test, lung function test, and maximum oxygen consumption test. All of these tests came back normal, so she was given a clean bill of health to join the athletic department at UDLAP.

     An interesting patient today was a student with a contracted muscle in her leg. She presented with leg pain when stretching and straightening her leg, but the pain was not constant. Using the ultrasound, the doctors were able to locate where the muscle was injured and locate the referred pain. She was sent to physical therapy for three days and told to rest. Many student athletes have pulled muscles or strained ligaments due to overuse and dehydration. If the athletes all rested as they were told, many would not have complications later on. However, it is common for the athletes to keep pushing their bodies because of an upcoming game, tournament, or competition. Many athletes are thinking about their short term goals instead of their long term goals! For me, when I realized that I needed to think long term, I realized medicine was what really excited me.

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